The Sound of Music Page 1
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Band Season '03-'04


Pictures from the Spring musical The Sound of Music
I was an usher this year, so I was able to get around, backstage, and everywhere to take pictures

This was from me taking a picture of the people in the choral room as I was being dragged about to get an official usher pin.

The lead man Josiah strummin' at his guitar.

Joshua Shannon gets made up. How embarrasing.

And Kristi is transformed into a nun

Sandy is dazed and Confused

Jimmy video taping, and I'm never one to miss the oppurtunity to snap a picture of someone videotaping me snapping a picture of them.

Joe was happy to smile for the camera

Joe, however, was unsure.

Sara, Becky, and Linea were getting ready for the party. I thought nuns weren't allowed to party....

Jackie, a foreign exchange student from China, volunteered to help usher Friday and Saturday. On short notice nonetheless.

Steve, on the crew, was off duty at the time.

Tommy, as usual, is absolutely thrilled to be in another picture

Steve was complaining about how he wasn't in a picture. Are you happy now, Steve?

Kristi also came out in the halls. This year she hasn't made as many funny faces at me, apparently.

Lauren also helped me usher. She had just realized that I both was in her Spanish class AND played in the band

Little Marissa was playing the part of the second youngest person in the play. You'd never guess she was a sophomore

Sara sitting with her mom. It was a Kodak moment.

Tim was running amok all night long....

So Jim and Steph were out there in the halls....

Josiah and Megan were pretty busy getting married, but they paused for me to get their picture. Sorry about the person in the foreground